Building Commissioning with multiple data sources:

Specify the energy performance of a new building in the same way you would specify the mileage rating of a new motor vehicle and we will verify it for you using:

Utility Meters

Existing utility meter data is used to understand energy consumption patterns. 

  • Level 1 – Monthly data used to (1) compare buildings to each other, (2) benchmark buildings to national databases and (3) develop weather, occupancy etc. related correlations.
  • Level 2 – Interval data from smart meters provides better resolution to the Level 1 services by displaying daily, monthly and seasonal occupied/unoccupied load profiles.    
  • Level 3 – Statistical tools are applied to the interval electric-meter data to quantify the potential of managing electrical demand better with existing controls and evaluate the potential benefits of utilizing battery storage, ice storage etc.

Sub-meters / portable loggers

Permanently installed sub-meters or temporarily installed loggers verify equipment and system loads in buildings without a BAS or supplement BAS trend data.

BAS (Building Automation System) trend data

  • Level 1 - On site review of the BAS operator interface.
  • Level 2 - Remote connection to the BAS – observe the operator interface @ different times of day and weather conditions.
  • Level 3 - Review samples of BAS trend data with Excel spreadsheets for deeper insight into control sequences.
  • Level 4 - Data analytics with 3rd party Fault Diagnosis Software – for new building or existing building commissioning services.