Warranty – Trend Files

The contractor guarantees the specified points are trended and the "open" access to all trend data will continue to work as specified during the warranty period.

Warranty - New Equipment Controlled by the BAS

The equipment warranty period for new equipment controlled by the BAS will not begin until the trend files are completed and automatically transferred to the designated, folders or FTP sites.

Warranty - BAS Hardware and Software

Due to the challenges involved with determining the BAS hardware and software is working properly in Heating, Cooling and Shoulder seasons; the Customer has 6 months after the expiration of the warranty period to identify items that did not work correctly during the warranty period when it is demonstrated with trend data that the hardware or software provided did not work as intended.

There will be an adequate amount of trend data collected for all equipment in the Heating, Cooling, and Shoulder season temperature bins to verify the intended Occupied, Unoccupied and Standby sequences of operation in each season.   If there is not adequate data collected during the warranty period to verify equipment and control strategies are working as intended, the evaluation period will be extended as necessary.

Attachment A - Possible AHU Trend Point Names

  • discharge air temp sensor
  • discharge air humidity sensor
  • discharge air pressure sensor
  • discharge air flow sensor
  • discharge air fan cmd
  • discharge air fan sensor
  • discharge air fan speed cmd
  • return air temp sensor
  • return air humidity sensor
  • return air pressure sensor
  • return air flow sensor
  • return air co2 sensor
  • return air fan cmd
  • return air damper cmd
  • return air fan speed cmd
  • mixed air temp sensor
  • zone air temp sensor
  • zone air humidity sensor
  • zone air co2 sensor
  • zone air temp effective sp
  • zone air temp cooling sp
  • zone air temp heating sp
  • outside air temp sensor
  • outside air humidity sensor
  • outside air pressure sensor
  • outside air flow sensor
  • outside air flow sp
  • outside air damper cmd
  • exhaust air fan cmd
  • exhaust air damper cmd
  • cool stage cmd
  • heat stage cmd
  • humidifier cmd
  • filter sensor
  • freezeStat sensor
  • heatWheel cmd
  • faceBypass cmd
  • bypass damper cmd


The exact quantity of points and point names shown on this attachment may not be applicable for all projects.  Most of the tags included here are from www.project-haystack.org as an example.

Any abbreviations used in the Trend names will be clearly identified such as

  • sp – set point
  • cmd - command

Attachment B - Possible VAV Trend Point Names

  • zone air temp sensor
  • zone air temp effective sp
  • zone air temp cooling sp
  • zone air temp heating sp
  • zone air humidity sensor
  • zone air co2 sensor
  • discharge air temp sensor
  • discharge air pressure sensor
  • discharge air flow sensor
  • discharge air fan cmd
  • discharge air fan sensor
  • discharge air damper cmd
  • entering air temp sensor
  • heat cmd
  • perimeterHeat cmd


Documentation will be provided clearly stating which Air Handler each VAV box is associated with.

The exact quantity of points and point names shown on this attachment may not be applicable for all projects.  Most of the tags included here are from www.project-haystack.org as an example.

Any abbreviations used in the Trend names will be clearly identified such as

  • sp – set point
  • cmd - command